


2015年3月6日 星期五


Erotic ghost story-Perfect Match (1997)
Running Time:1hr28m
Subtitles: English [srt]
Resolution:352 x 240
Director: Lam Yee Hung
Producer: Wong Gong Keung
Released: 1997 [Hong Kong]
Genre: Erotica
Sub-Genre: Fantasy

Cast:   Tsui Kam-Kong  ||  Diana Pang Dan  ||  Teresa Mak Ka-Kei  ||  Keung Ka-Ling  ||  Miu Kam-Fung  ||  Wong Yat-Fei  ||  Wong Lai

Synopsis / Plot:
The soon-to-be Monk Talkative does his best to understand when Fairy Yeh explains what must be done. Rabbit spirits have escaped from the heavenly garden, and must be recaptured. These bunnies can assume human female form, and gorgeous forms at that. One is played by Pang Dan, who happens to be the soon-to-be Monk Talkative's wife. Talkative finds the explanation hard to follow (as do we the audience) but decides to help. Meanwhile, another rabbit spirit escapes, is rescued from hunters by scholar Yu-shu, who takes the rabbit home. While Yu-shu sleeps (with the rabbit in his bed !), the rabbit turns into the luscious Siu Mui (Keung Ka Ling), who makes love with him while he somehow manages to remain asleep. Yu-shu awakes next morning to find he is no longer a virgin, and also that a lovely young woman is calling him hubby. Perhaps in shock, or fearing that his blind mother might wonder, he tries to convince her to leave. Pang Dan's character also does the "Virgin Stance" with another bunny, played by Wong Nei. Lots of confusion and daftness follows, as the forces of heaven (the bad guys, lead by the evil Queen Of Heaven) pursue the bunnies, with concealed identities and misunderstandings all over the place.
莺莺、小梅和苗苗都是王母娘娘所养的玉兔,因莺莺不甘心被困,私自下凡,并与陆福结为夫妇,娘娘为此事大为震怒,命天神下凡捉拿莺莺。小梅出于姐妹情深, 也私自下凡通风报信。也被天神追杀,被玉书所救,两人遂成鱼水之欢。但小梅的身份却被道长识破,小梅为了不泄漏身份,被道长所伤。苗苗和两人失散后,也演 绎了一段缠绵的爱情,最后三姐妹终于重逢了,这时,铁面无私的判官也出现在他们面前。

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